Sharif University of Technology is a research powerhouse. Over the years, we have always shone in the world’s ranking systems as a prestigious research university in diverse fields. We have the most prolific researchers, enthusiastic academics, and the highest caliber faculty and students.
Research Institutes
- Advanced Communications Research Institute (ACRI)
- Electronics Research Institute (ERI)
- Institute for Convergence Science and Technology (ICST)
- Institute of Transportation Studies & Research (ITSR)
- Research Institute of Science, Technology & Industry Policy (RISTIP)
- Sharif Advanced Technologies Incubator (SATI)
- Sharif Energy Research Institute (SERI)
- Sharif Institute of Economic & Industrial Studies (SIEIS)

Research Centers
To Set the scene for our researchers to shine and improve lives around the world with their discoveries, SUT provides leading research centers:
Advanced Information & Communications Technology Center (AICT)
Bio Engineering and Health Systems Research Center (BEHSRC)
Center for Technology Studies (CTS)
Marine Engineering Research Center (MERC)
Power Grid Management and Control Research Center (PGMCRC)
Water & Energy Research Center (WERC)
Centers of Excellence
The Sharif University of Technology Centers of Excellence zero in on creating a highly innovative and potentially transformational research atmosphere begetting international standing and a significant advancement of capabilities and knowledge. Our academics in these centers draw on collaborative approaches to address the most challenging and significant research problems.
– Center of Excellence in Aerospace Systems (CEAS)
– Center of Excellence in Bioprocess Technology (Biotechnology)
– Center of Excellence in Discrete Structures and Computing (CEDSC)
– Center of Excellence in Multi-Access Communication Systems (CEMACS)
– Center of Excellence in Nanostructures (COE)
– Center of Excellence in Structures and Earthquake Engineering (CESEE)
– Center of Excellence in Energy Conversion (CEEC)
– Center of Excellence in Information Security and Cryptography
– Center of Excellence in Design, Robotics, and Automation (CEDRA)
– Center of Excellence in Computer Systems and Condensed Matter (CSCM)
– Center of Excellence in Power System Management and Control (CEPSMC)
– Center of Excellence in Hydrodynamics and Dynamics of Marine Vehicles (MERC)

Sharif Science and Technology Park
Sharif University of Technology has been a leading university in scientific areas and innovation. With more than 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship through establishing Entrepreneurship center, Sharif Incubator, Research and Technology Fund, Sharif was the first university in Iran to have an accelerator and technology park.
In order to integrate services provided for the entrepreneurs, the first science and technology park of Iran was founded in 2016 by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. Mission of Sharif Science and Technology Park is to help talents flourish and find solutions to real life problems by developing science-based firms.
Central Library
The Central Library of the university is in charge of supplying and providing information in science and technology to support lectures and research undertaken at the various departments...