We hope the answers to these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) will help you in making a decision to come to Sharif.

  • Why should I apply to Sharif?

    Sharif University of Technology is the leading technical university in Iran, and indeed one of the top academic institutions in the Middle East region. According to QS2019 Ranking, SUT is ranked 221nd in the world for Engineering and Technology and 38th in the world for Research Impact. Further, according to THE2020 ranking, SUT is ranked 301-400 in the world for Engineering and Technology and 17th in the world for Industrial Income. These all show the international recognition of the quality of education and research conducted at SUT.
    Many of the Sharif faculty members are experts in their chosen fields who conduct top-level researches. This engagement with research and scholarship enables students to have an improved understanding of their field of study. Moreover, around one-third of Sharif faculty members are graduates of TOP100 universities in the world.
    All students have access to numerous facilities provided by the university: extensive libraries, sports facilities, laboratories, language-learning opportunities, and computer equipment.
    With clubs, societies and events organized by both the students and the university, Sharif offers a wide range of social activities to suit all tastes.
    Sharif University has an excellent graduate employment record. Many graduates go on to higher education, either at Sharif or other top international institutions, while others take up employment in the industry.  Employers acknowledge that Sharif gives its graduates a range of transferable skills, as well as breadth and depth in their chosen subject.

  • What will it cost me, and what sources of funding are available to me?

    International Students
    You must plan to cover the following costs:
    University fees: for non-Iranian students, these vary according to the subject they want to study.
    Living costs: We recommend that students should budget around 2400 EUR for living costs in 2020-2021. This figure is estimated to cover the cost of staying at Sharif for 9 months, i.e. two semesters and the short vacation (Norouz), and includes the cost of accommodation, food, books, and entertainment for the time spent in Tehran. If you intend to stay in Tehran for the whole year you will need at least 3200 EUR.
    The costs of travel to and from Tehran at the start and end of each year
    Sharif University of Technology does not offer any scholarships to international students (both graduate and undergraduate).

    Iranian Students (transfer students)
    You must plan to cover the following costs:
    University fees: for Iranian Students, the tuition fees vary according to the subject and the number of course units they register in each semester.
    Living costs: We recommend that students should budget around 2400 EUR for living costs in 2020-2021. This figure is estimated to cover the cost of staying at Sharif for 9 months, i.e. two semesters and the short vacation (Norouz), and includes the cost of accommodation, food, books, and entertainment for the time spent in Tehran. If you intend to stay in Tehran for the whole year you will need at least 3200 USD.
    Sharif University of Technology does not offer any scholarships to transfer students (both graduate and undergraduate)

  • How do I choose a field of study?

    Students at Sharif must register in a single field of study, unless given permission to take a double major. You must choose your field before you make your application. The list of all majors and programs offered by SUT can be found here: http://www.en.sharif.edu/programs/
  • Can I apply for more than one field of study?

    When making your application, you must specify just one field of study that you would like to apply for, from the list of available fields.
  • What Persian or English Language qualifications do I need?

    SUT has two campuses. In the main campus located in Tehran, all courses are taught in Persian. Therefore, the students applying for the main campus are expected to be able to speak and understand everyday and technical Persian. If Persian is not your mother tongue, you probably need to participate in a Persian Language program. In Tehran,  Dehkhoda International Center for Persian Studies offers short-term Persian Language courses (3 months or 6 months). This center also provides accommodation services for the applicants. Alternatively, students can attend the Persian Language programs offered by the Iranian Embassy or other institutes in their countries. If a student has learned the Persian language in other ways, he/she can give a 10-minute online interview to prove his/her proficiency.

    In SUT’s International Campus in Kish  Island (SUTIC), all courses are fully taught in English. Therefore, the students applying for this campus need not have proficiency in the Persian Language. Nevertheless, they ought to prove their proficiency in the English language by providing an official certificate (IELTS 5 or TOEFL  IBT 52) or giving an oral interview. Students whose English proficiency is not good enough may receive conditional admission and ought to pass several compensatory courses in their first semester.

  • How can I apply?

    Please refer to our “Apply Now” page for filling out the application form.
  • What are the required documents to prepare before applying?

    The scanned version of your passport, the transcript of records of your previous degree(s), the certificate(s) of graduation, a bank statement, or a financial support letter, C.V., SOP, and your Persian/English Language Proficiency Certificate (if available).
  • How long does it take for my application to be processed?

    The final decision on the applications will be made within one month and will be passed on to the applicants accordingly.
  • What are the steps that I ought to go through after receiving the admission letter?

    Below, you may find the flowchart of the steps that ought to be taken after getting admitted to SUT.

  • What are the welfare services offered by SUT?

    SUT provides a full range of welfare services to its students. You may find below the outline of these services.

  • What do I do if I still have questions?

    Please contact us and we will be happy to answer any questions that you may have: iso@sharif.edu, +98-21-66165059