Discovering National Talents Discovering National Talents: Sharif University of Technology Hosted 5000 Students at the 15th Leco Cup Festival The 15th Leco cup Festival of Scientific and Research...
A New Collaboration of SUT and EPFL Researchers Collaboration of SUT and EPFL Researchers in an Investigation on the Role of Dissolved Oxygen in the Solar and the Photo-Fenton-mediated E. coli...
Sharif University of Technology at GHEDEX 2019 Sharif University of Technology at GHEDEX 2019, Seeking Opportunities to Extend International Collaborations With the aim of introducing education and...
Professor Mikael Lund at Sharif Professor Mikael Lund from the Lund Institute of Advanced Neutron and X-ray Science Delivered a Talk at the Department of Physics of Sharif University of Technology...
Showing 245 to 248 of 314 entries.